Sunday, January 16, 2011

Petrol price rise in India

Inefficiency of Petroleum Refineries is sole cause of Petrol hike

Within a very short period twice the prices of petrol has been increased! This has become a trend of this fuel sector which is every time focusing on petrol only in the garb of crude price variances. Such price rise can be justified only if the prices of the other petroleum products including aviation fuel, naphtha, gas, toluene ,benzene,diesel,kerosene pitch ,heavy oil,wax etc are also simultaneously revised. What is the rationale of increasing or choosing only PETROL?

It appears that there is some other motive behind such price rise because it is no way linked to the production and yield capacity of the crude.

If the motive of the companies is to discourage the use and utilization of petrol as fuel ,some other thought needs to be given. If it is that the fraction of petrol is less in the distillation, it is a cause of worry and concern for which a high power scientific commission be appointed including persons working in the field of fuel saving, energy resources, catalysts etc to analyse the situation threadbare and find out a way . It is a very serious matter as it directly means that either the process adopted is improper or refineries are not working at proper rated efficiencies due to which the yield of petrol is less and to compensate for the petroleum products’ every time petrol is picked. The efficiency of the refineries are to be audited by the government. People should raise this question before the public representatives who are mostly ignorant of these factors .Present affairs of increasing the prices by the companies are nothing but a way to divert the attention of the Govt from the inefficiency of the refineries and its administration.

It is high time that if pre budget hike in petroleum prices are manipulated in such an arbitrary manner, it will lead to chaotic situation during the budget and after the budget. Because the pace at which the price of petrol is being increased, the price may reach very soon within a couple of fortnights to Rs.1.00 or more. At such a juncture the working of these organizations needs to be brought under the scanner because out right it hints towards some malady in the industry which appears to be emanating from the bad quality of crude being purchased and improper recoveries. It is surprising why scientists are silent? Either they do not know the petroleum refining and the processes or they are too timid to raise the issues of public interest which is highly condemnable.

If the Govt believes in transparency it should publish complete detail of the yield of the crude , product wise and product wise costing as well as the losses the refineries are likely to suffer and ways to compensate with equitable distribution of the price rise in the process of recovery including purchase price of the crude. Adhocism in price rise needs to be objected. Statistical weighting of the pricing appears necessary. It is also necessary to go for cheap and better quality crude form the open world market in order to stabilize the prices otherwise it will lead to total chaos. It is a bad omen.

I have carried out experiments to prove that around 25-30 % alcohol can be used for blending in petrol to contain the price rise but it is surprising that despite the fact that media highlighted the results of my public demonstrations of the experiment, the Govt has feigned ignorance and has partially allowed a blend of 5% and has preferred a price hike of the petrol.

I would like to draw the attention of the Petroleum Ministry towards the fact that why can not the Govt consider conversion of gas into petrol to come out of the muddle at least for some time till a suitable solution is found, specially when the country is facing a difficult time due to uncontrolled prices of all the commodities.

Dr.Prem Shankar Dube

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